Endometriosis Cymru
A co-created website providing information on endometriosis: the disease, the diagnosis and treatment pathway in Wales and life with the condition
The endometriosis mandate within the Women’s Health Implementation Group originates from the November 2018 Task & Finish Group recommendations; ‘Endometriosis Care in Wales: Provision, Care Pathway, Workforce Planning and Quality and Outcome Measures’.
The project was led by NHS Wales and Welsh Government in partnership with Cardiff University, our creative partner Proper Design and Fair Treatment for the Women of Wales our patient involvement partner. In addition to ensuring the resources were relevant, informative and supportive for the patient and public communities, the resources were designed to help deliver on recommendations from the Task & Finish Group report in particular to:
- Provide information
- Expedite appropriate medical help-seeking
- Support people living with endometriosis
- Adopt will-building methods including
The project continues with optimisation and evaluation of resources developed during this endometriosis.